Chiropractic care offers a chance at full physical wellness from the start. Detailed assessments and customized care plans ensure we're able to fit your needs.
Our body’s ability to function relies heavily on the nutrients that we put into it. Our wellness services help you feel great get your health to the next level.
Our massage services are performed by licensed therapists in relaxing rooms with aromatherapy using high-quality essential oils, warm towels and more.
Treating painful symptoms, recovering from injuries, and improving chronic pain with noninvasive sound wave technology is what MyACT is all about.
Our decompression process can help ease aches and pains. If you're dealing with sciatica or lower back pain, spinal decompression can help you find relief.
Our cold laser treatment is a safe and effective way to target specific areas of the body causing chronic pain in muscles, joints, and nerves with super pulsed technology.
To help the people of our community achieve health and wholeness by reconnecting to their innate source of healing through education, enlightenment and chiropractic care.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and Care Credit