The saying, “You are what you eat” has a lot of truth to it. Our body’s ability to function relies heavily on the nutrients that we put into it. They help determine how well and how fast we heal. This means our body needs to be fed correctly. Present day foods have changed so much over the past few decades. Modifications, processing, and due to the methods of storage, manufacturers are having to add nutrients back into them. This makes it hard to get what we need just by eating.nutrients that we put into it. They help determine how well and how fast we heal. This means our body needs to be fed correctly. Present say foods have changed so much over the past few decades. Modifications, processing, and due to the methods of storage, manufacturers are having to ass nutrients back into them. This makes it hard to get what we need jsut by eating. Supplementation to our normal diets helps us to get where we need to be feeling great.